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Robin's "Roof" ( & Kitchen & House & Garden ) Page

Last update 1620 UK ( also 1620z GMT/UT/GPS time) Thursday 2nd November 2023 - IN PROGRESS...
e.g. Plastering, New Bathroom ... Roger of Ascot Plastering; Joti of Options; Thanks Guys ! More soon. :-)
WAS last updated 1010 UK ( also 1010z GMT/UT/GPS time) Saturday 14th January 2023. See RFQs below :-)
Roof was done in August 2020; wiring in December; plastering ???*; THEN new kitchen ? then LOTS more on house :-)
*June is "Project Manager"; the plasterer she chose did not turn up and she has not contacted others since April 2021 :-)
So the disruption of the new kitchen is slipping nicely to the right - but there are "spin-offs" to Robin ;-)
"Family Blog" material being moved to New "Blog" Page - LOTS of overlapping topics ;-)

Scroll down to see older news, with pictures, etc. Our roofer was Richie Walters on Well Done Richie :-)

Will we have rain here in Sunninghill soon ? What do the rain radars say ? Some work depends on the weather ! :-)

Weather for Sunninghill in week ahead from BBC is on . More detailed rain radar based predictions are on . The Met Office have greatly improved their web site on e.g. good prediction of rain, cloud cover, wind, and temperature. Sunninghill is on Met Office Weather for Sunninghill .

From Robin's Snoopy page: Robin likes minimum hassle and spending time with Grumpy Old Men :-) Click on pictures to expand, play, or visit the relevant page.

white strip Xmas18 piccy Peter and Dick Xmas19 piccy LOSW 1 Xmas19 piccy LOSW 2 Xmas19 Tennis Bansal family friends Flat roof white strip NHSCARE Frimley Park Hosptal Visit Counter after reply to Microtransat Group Adam Afriye Gardening before a wedding white strip

Robin Work and Play with the Lovelocks in Sunninghill sound recording of Robin booking a table at the Cricketers in Bagshot Robin claims that some of his friends, and work-mates over the years, are crazier than he. We all have our "crosses to bear", be it recent bereavement, physical health, addiction, or stigma resulting from mental health problems. Sometimes many things overlap, such as helping friends, making new ones, or doing work in the Garden . Or watching it being done :-)

How appropriate that those words above were still so applicable on Wednesday 10th November 2021, when the video on the right was recorded. It was Robin booking a table at the pub particularly liked by my two neighbours on Armitage Court , Richard and Stuart, who like Terry, enjoy real beer. All have had a role within Snoopy's Robot Boat Team-Joker . BUT, that video on far right is MUCH more relevant to this page ! :-)

Armstice Day with June and Robin Lovelock 11th November 2021 Those guys above: From left to right: Peter Facey ( near Winchester ), Dick Bailey ( from Reading ), who star with Snoopy, then Stuart Wicks and John Sylvester, Richard Ince and Robin Lovelock, from Sunninghill/Ascot.

Other Grumpy Old Men meet for pub lunches, then coffee and biscuits and cake, back at one of our houses - sometimes served by women, such as Richard's wife Fay. e.g. Terry from Fleet and Alan Edwards - from Robin and June's Ferranti days in 1970. There is no subject that we do not discuss, including how technology can be put to good - or bad - use. Booking a table in a pub is a GOOD use ! Why automatic subtitle translation ? Some of our friends in the pictures above like to speak in other languages: Robin is known as "Robin Cha Cha", or "Robin Bey", or "Uncle Robin" :-)

Robin's Old Telescope page

Robin's dinner was eaten, on his lap, sat in front of the CCTV display in the lounge, but enjoying what June had on the main TV: BBC1 with Pugsy Bear for Children in need, and then The Repair Shop - which included repairing an Old Telescope . Tap on the link or a slightly younger Robin, for more. Maybe put a Dashcam on it ?

Grumpy Old Men having Coffee with Robin Lovelock That, and MANY more things, have been "in the queue" for years. There are just not enough hours in the day, months, or years left, to do it all :-)

Tap or Click on that picture on the left. It's Terry, Richard, Stuart, Alan. being given coffee and biscuits here, after we'd had a lovely lunch at The Dog & Partridge Pub in Sunninghill.

I'd had to make a last minute change, from the Beefeaters, after receiving a 'phone call from them that morning. Their lovely Romanian guy explained they had a temporary "Technical Issue" and we ended our friendly conversation in Italian - "Grazie Mille" :-)

More words, pictures, and videos, in due course. So much quicker than talking, and saves me precious time. Not for you ? Too much ? See my CanUSee page :-)

CCMFA CCMFA Saturday 13th November 2021 has the CCMFA AGM. That's Chobham Common Model Flyers Association. See Robin's Chobham page, with these pictures full size and MUCH more :-)

Spot Satcomms Tracker Great if Robin can drag June over there for the social chat before the main AGM begins, but time is so short. We have a Whatsap video chat from 1930 with family: maybe some of it can be done from Tringham Hall, Chobham, or even in our car ?

Tap or Click on that Spot Trace Satcomms tracker to see where Robin's old dented silver Merc "C4 GPS" is :-)

white strip LOTS of "Family Blog" material, much relevant to work on house and garden, was here, and has been moved to the New "Blog" Page . white strip

Robin Work and Play with the Lovelocks in Sunninghill

Great job done of plastering by Roger of Ascot Plastering in March 2023 :-)

Sorry for this late update in November 2023: Tap of Click on the pictures to expand, or play a video. The "Before" and "After" of plastering by Roger. That video on the right shows a lot of things going on, including guys helping June & Robin in house and garden.

More here soon perhaps :)

white strip Plastering Plastering white strip Plastering Plastering white strip

RFQ ( Request For Quotation ) starting with June's RFQ for a new downstairs Cloakroom/Toilet/Loo/Bog :-)

Robin loorfq1.gif RFQ for new downstails loo This is for the downstairs loo, on the right, as you step in our front door, at 22 Armitage Court.

I was happy for a "quick fix" to put down floor tiles, so it was a bit tidier for visitors.

But June wants it "done properly", with new stuff, in white, to replace the old avocado coloured suit, installed by Charles Church, when the houses were built in 1976.

Here on the right, is an RFQ ( ref LOORFQ1 ) that June has prepared. Tap or Click on it to expand, and read detail.

Please remember that Robin likes to know your trading address. Even better if it is also your home address ! :-)

Payment Terms, for a Fixed Price Contact, are obviously important. e.g. timescales; deposit for purchase of materials like those shown; total price after completion.

Tap on pictures to expand and read the detail. The picture in loorfq1.gif is also in PDF printable form as loorfq1.pdf white strip

RFQ ( Request For Quotation ) June's RFQ forwork on upstairs spare bathroom, for Samantha & Michelle :-)

Just some pictures. But, as a start, good if we could flush the toilet, and not use "other means" ! Tap or Click on pictures to expand. June wants similar new units as downstairs loo. white strip RFQ for new upstairs spare bathroom RFQ for new upstairs spare bathroom RFQ for new upstairs spare bathroom RFQ for new upstairs spare bathroom RFQ for new upstairs spare bathroom . white strip

RFQ ( Request For Quotation ) for another "Tree Job" - Topping of our beech - but mind the Clematis Armandii ! :-)

Robin Clemetis Armadii treejob1.gif RFQ for topping beech but keeping climbing clematis Tap or Click on the pictures to expand, read words, and better understand the job ;-)

Clemetis Armadii is evergreen, and a giant climber, seeking the highest point.

treejob2.gif RFQ for topping beech but keeping climbing clematis treejob2.gif RFQ for topping beech but keeping climbing clematis treejob2.gif RFQ for topping beech but keeping climbing clematis treejob2.gif RFQ for topping beech but keeping climbing clematis white strip video record of tree job done on 16 February 2022 JOB DONE ! Play at least the introduction of the 15 minute video record of the "Tree Job" done at June & Robin's place in Sunninghill: 22 Armitage Court on 16th February 2022, by Braywood Tree Surgury.

Robin sped up the hours of video from several of his CCTV cameras, covering the time the three guys from Braywood Tree Surgury were on site. Settling up with cash at the end was not speeded up :-) More impressive video clips of the work are on file, for possible future use. This video replaced that huge one, now UNLISTED, where Robin failed to speed up the CCTV video. MAYBE, one day someone will have the time to make something useful, but Robin doubts it ;-) More detail MAY be put here in due course ;-) white strip

RFQ ( Request For Quotation ) for a QUICK supply and installation of a 6' x 4' tool shed .... Job Done ! :-)

Robin Tap or Click on the pictures to expand, read words, and better understand the job ;-) 6x4 ft Shed Job 1 - Done 6x4 ft Shed Job 1 6x4 ft Shed Job 1

We are hoping to find a shed supplier able to deliver and install within typically one or two weeks from an order - with deposit if needed.

It could be an ex-display model - but "time is of the essence" ;-)

Yes, many may claim to have sheds "in stock", but that could be in Scandinavia or eastern Europe - maybe in China. Not easy to arrange container ships & lorries to move that fast ;-)

Footnote on Friday 10th December 2021: Job Done ! June & Robin visited Fencing Products Ltd in Winersh, on Tuesday, liked the guys, saw the product, and placed the order for delivery Friday. Tomaz delivered it to our back garden, and gave some tips on doing the job. June & Robin soon had it assembled, with just the final end-trim bits to be added. Robin even had time to give it a coat of creosote, before taking this picture :-) white strip

June has a new 'Fridge-Freezer - RFQ ( Request For Quotation ) for new Utility Room Cold Tap ? - JOB DONE ! :-)

Robin Video of June's new Fridge-Freezer JOB DONE ! The tap was replaced quickly at a sensible price, by plumber Lynden Thomson, from our village. Thanks Lyndon :-) Tap or Click on pictures to expand them or play the video.

The Youtube description for the video says: QUOTE 15 minute video starts with a short summary and ends with the CCTV video of the quick delivery of June's new 'Fridge-Freezer. You will see that it is very smart, including being able to have a spoken conversation with you, show you videos, and play music - very loudly ! However, it is not so smart as to see that June & Robin have not connected it correctly to a water supply - so it can make ice ! See their crude attempts to improvise solutions to that old plumbing ! No wildlife was harmed in making this video - although some mice may still be drying out ! More background is on Robin's "Roof" page . UNQUOTE.

That's the old, original copper plumbing in the Utility Room, dating from when the house was built in about 1977. That middle cold tap lost it's handle decades ago, and needs to be replaced. Then we will not need to turn off the whole water supply, from under the kitchen sink, if someone is to replace Robin's improvised T-piece with something better :-) white strip June's June's June's June's June's white strip

Scroll down to see latest news (roughly) first, with pictures, etc.

Robin Lovelock blog of 7th November 2021 Lovelock blog of 6th November 2021 November 2021 and video "blogs" of overlapping stories. e.g. "The Washing Machine Saga" ;-) This section is in rapid state of change, but includes UNLISTED ( hidden ) videos, and pictures, which Robin did not want to clutter the more public "LISTED" videos on his main Youtube channels like "Robin1" on .

As time permits, more pictures and videos can be added - carefully ! ;-)

Let's start with a quote from part of an email send to several trusted friends and family. QUOTE: This is the link to the UNEDITED video covering yesterday, Sunday 7th November 2021, now processed by Youtube: . It may take another day before automatic subtitles appear. e.g. for relatives of friends like the Bansals, Tom & Kinga opposite, etc. I dislike "blogs" but it can save time, if done right. Also a means of photos and video not being lost. I'll add to this email as replys, as I have the time to find more hidden links. e.g. that for the days before and after. e.g. that for the day before should be: UNQUOTE.

video of old washing machine being taken away The Youtube automatic subtitles did appear, with automatic translation into almost ANY language. But what about 'Strine, or Cockney, American vs English English, Sicilean Dialect, etc ? All possible with that clevor combination of Speech Recognition, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and - of course - those hard-working guys spread around the World, who often give us cold-calls :-)

Important to say here that, the main purpose of these long, boring, "Family Blog" videos, is to provide an easy means of remote briefing guys such as "handymen" ( sorry Ladies - "Handy Persons ), on what work I want done. e.g. quick installation of an 8 x 6 ft toolshed, so awe can quickly hang up tools and find them. Lots more, such a fixing leaky ponds, and - very important - helping us seperate what can be thrown away, and what should be kept. Putting in cupboards and shelves, where needed - but sorting through stuff takes the time. Major work is needed in places like Samantha's bathroom, and at least a "tidy up" in the downstairs toilet.

Newsflash on Tuesday 9th November 2021 The old Washing Machine has gone, and nobody told us ! I went to the dustbins this morning and did not notice - but June did, before she got changed for tennis! The video from yesterday is now on . More pictures and video in due course, if and when there is time ! :-)

Update soon after: A quick CCTV check showed the two guys doing a quick job: white van arrived 0904; walk to it, read the note I left, with visiting cards; decided not to venture too far down the side - when they saw more water squirter stuff; carried it up to the van, with no need for a sack truck; were then off by 0908; Less than 5 minutes on site, with no visit to front door; BUT, I need to see if June has anything in her smartphone that she missed. She hadn't their I.I. system still had yesterday's information from ~ 1600: "two jobs ahead of you, but will be with you soon" :-) We were all here when they visited; I was in the back garden filming work needed by handymen. Looks like these two guys might be ideal ? As it happens, a good friend had his washing machine stolen. It was caught on CCTV.

Tap or Click on pictures below to expand. The new Washing Machine was delivered on Thursday 4th November. Tha Saga started then. More pictures from the videos above ? :-)
Gary Carter's mate Paul McDermid came to the rescue again. See words about him doing our wiring later on this page. Robin showed him the tap and moved the old one outside :-)

white strip Washing Machine Saga Washing Machine Saga Washing Machine Saga Washing Machine Saga Washing Machine Saga Washing Machine Saga white strip

Earlier material ... Robin Michelle's Piss me off and pay the consequences Mug :-) We've had a minor roof leak, since Storm Christof hit us on Wednesday 20th January. In heavy rain, water drips in from near the corner of our kitchen table - caught nicely by a bowl on the floor :-) I'd left an answerphone message on Richie's 'phone at 1355z, and Richie soon called back. He gave me the sensible advice, not to try sealing the suspect joint, seen here in the photo, marked by our youngest daughter's favourite mug :-) Tap or Click on pictures to enlarge. We would obviously need to wait for dry weather, and that has only been here a few days. Looking at the roof window more closely, it's possible that water is getting in there, not helped by the lack of slope. I see that water seems to coming OUT of the felting joint, where I had assumed it was getting in. Writing this on a Saturday, so will email his wife Debbie, then send him a text. She may, like June, be the boss in their household, and will decide his priority work, particularly at the weekend. Richie knows, he, or one of his guys, will be made most welcome, with coffee or drink, Covid19 or not. Their nice place in Bracknell is near where June & Robin's Ferranti workmates had lunchtime beers in 1970 :-) white strip Richie Walters with Robin Lovelock Minor leak near roof window white strip Bentley, the "Guard Cat" from Paul & Paula's opposite, on sentry duty on our old Kitchen window sill. Who put "One Shot" in a "water" squirter ?

Bentley the Guard Cat

18th December 2020: Robin and June Lovelock, where they eat in their Kitchen, ready to enjoy Christmas. e.g. much better light, and ready for plastering.

Robin and June Lovelock in Sunninghill in their kitchen on 18 Decemmber 2020

18th December 2020: June Lovelock, in her Kitchen, ready to enjoy Christmas with family, including cooking the Christmas Dinner :-)

Robin and June Lovelock in Sunninghill in their kitchen on 18 Decemmber 2020

Gary Carter with son Bert working on the Lovelock's cars

Earlier in December: We were waiting for a quote for that untidy wiring, despite asking guys several months ago.
Then plastering would be done, and THEN the new kitchen :-)

Gary Carter, who has done the work on our three cars for years, came with his son Bert to work on my car. That amusing video on the right :-) When Gary knew our problem getting a wiring quote, he returned with his mate Paul from Hemel Hemstead - and June and I soon knew he was the guy for the job - a bit like Richie for doing the roof: no Bullshit :-)

Friday 11th December 2020: Good news on the wiring: June and Robin had made a 'phone call to Gary, as they left Wicks, asking for advice about what sounded like something caught under the car: not urgent. Robin then got a 'phone call a few minutes later : Paul will be coming to us to do it next Monday morning 14th December. We all laughed when he said Gary "had given him a kick up the backside" :-)

Also good news, for June getting her new kitchen, probably all completed in March or April 2021. NOVEMBER 2021 MMMM :-)

Here's Paul McDermid, after completing the wiring work, brilliantly on 14th December 2020. He then fixed the kitchen sink leak ! More about Paul in due course :-)

June Lovelock in Sunninghill with Jason Compagno in Wicks Kitchens at Bracknell

Gary Carter's friend Paul Mcdermid comes to the rescue... Utility Room flooding after delivery of new washing machine ...

June had ordered a replacement washing machine, after the old one failed, after 10.5 years. The lovely guys who came to install the new one, were going to take the old one away. June agreed to them leaving the old one flooding the utility room, and the old one, now unpacked, in the garage, stopping her car getting in. However "every crisis is an opportunity": Gary and Marc were coming around to work on the Camper and Gary quickly got Paul to come over. Robin did the easy things, like showing Paul where to switch off the mains water supply. However, after quickly fixing the problem, and installing the new washing machine, Robin took Paul around the house and garden, pointing out all the other jobs he could help with - if only to put us in contact with the right guy. e.g. Robin's new tool shed, down the end of the garden: wanted within two weeks of an order rather than 6 months ! :-)

white strip Tap or Click on pictures to expand. Thanks Paul, Mark, and - of course - Gary. It's all about "who you know" ;-)

Paul McDermid and washing machine in November 2021 Paul McDermid and washing machine in November 2021 Paul McDermid and washing machine in November 2021 Paul McDermid and washing machine in November 2021 Paul McDermid and washing machine in November 2021 Paul McDermid and washing machine in November 2021 white strip

back to December 2020 again, and Jason Compagno of Wicks Kitchens in Bracknell ...

June Lovelock in Sunninghill with Jason Compagno in Wicks Kitchens at Bracknell The Kitchen itself: June had made an appointment for Jason for 1000 Friday 11th December 2020 at Wicks Kitchens in Bracknell. She had a look round the showroom, and pointed out to Robin what she wanted, with him filming carefully, so not as to see others. Then June had her 30 minute session with Jason, with Robin just clarifying things, such as layout, timescale, particularly the contract term details. Robin let June be "in the driving seat" on everything ;-) The result was that we will go in during the January Sales, on 8th January 2021. She will look at the 3D images, etc, and any fine detail of changes, before one of us signs the contract. This is despite the terms of business, compared with what Robin had wrongly understood on 4th December. The three other Kitchen vendors, that June had done a similar CAD Computer Aided Design process with, had followed by a visit by the fitters to be contacted by the Kitchen Vendor. They would quote their preperation and installation work to the Kitchen Vendor, who would then give us a firm fixed price quote to us, by email and/or paper, with attached CAD 3D design images. Terms were typically a firm fixed price contract, with a deposit, then full payment at the after completion.

Robin and June were delighted with how Jason had worked with us, within the constraints of how Wicks Kitchens do business. Robin smiled when he realised how different Wicks Kitchens terms were, compared with The three other Kitchen suppliers we'd had quotes from, years ago. Their fitters had typically marked up the price by 10,000 GBP, just for levelling of the floor. This had eventually been done by Michelle and Robin, within a few days. Michelle had done all the hard work, with Robin levelling the floor with just a few hours of his time. All in an earlier Newsletter :-)

Robin is sure we will not be disappointed since he has useful "friends of friends" including, TV, Press, and the owner(s) of Wicks and Travis-Perkins. If there were problems, it will be a "learning experience" for everyone. But he is sure there will not be problems :-)

4th December 2020: June with Jason Compagno*, Design Consultant, from Wickes , measuring up before they give us a quote for a new Kitchen. * Sicilian roots ? See Holidays :-)
A biker with a Harley ? Robin's dad Len Lovelock had a Brough Superior ! Bikes and pubs used to help us older folk. See NHSCare.infp . Enough off-topic. * Super Salesman ? :-)

June Lovelock in Sunninghill with Jason Compagno of Wicks Kitchens

Robin with Richie after finishing work at about 1330 on Monday 24th August 2020. Difficult work of two roof lights done in just a morning's hard work ! :-)

Robin Lovelock with Richie Walters and flat roof, in Sunninghill

Thursday 27/8/2020: Major Work Done ! Richie paid. Condensation in rooflights ?; BT cable and Hosereel broken; Electrical, then Plastering work, still to be done by others :-)

flat roof done, in Sunninghill

Raj Bansal from Sunninghill village, with June, our Project Manager, a rainbow, and the roof to be done behind, in July 2020.

Raj Bansal, June Lovelock, a rainbow, and flat roof, in Sunninghill

Don't forget the good work Michelle and Robin did back in April 2013...

From 2013 Christmas Newsletter : "June wanted a new kitchen. We don't know why, since it was new in 1981. Her new kitchen is just like the old one ".

Kitchen work in 2013

Most of the work was done by Michelle: ripping out all the original kitchen; waiting for dad to level the floor and let it dry; then putting it all back again - just as it was before ! :-)

Work on Kitchen in April 2017

Work on Kitchen in April 2017

Work on Kitchen in April 2017

Work on Kitchen in April 2017

Earlier information from 23 February 2019 ... (but we now have our contract with Richie, Roof Windows, etc ...

Robin Roof Door Roof Roof Window 1.1m x 1.1m Roof Window 1.1m x 1.8m Roof recce in 2018 and 2001 white strip

Jobs needed: 1) Plumbing (Done nicely and quickly by The Heating Surgeon) 2) French Door (Done nicely but slowly by Direct Glazing) 3) Roof Windows (QUOTES NEEDED ASAP), 4) Repair Roof, Ceiling, etc. (QUOTES NEEDED ASAP). Robin would like (3) and (4) to be one contract. No leaks and to last 30 years please :-) white strip

Click on pictures to enlarge: Flat roof on rear extention in February 2018. Then photos in February 2018, after last year's work on French door and Garden .

Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof white strip

Earlier information from 2018 ...

white strip Click on pictures to play video or enlarge. Enjoy those "Aerial Recces" from 2018 and 2001 :-)

Michelles Inside Kitchen The first contract(s)* will be the replacement of the window in Michelle's (spare) bedroom by a suitable glass French door. e.g. Model 155252 from Wickes 1.49m wide at 500 pounds seen above. Central heating plumbing was modified first: move the radiator to wall on left. See photos.

There were some immediate benefits, like easy access to the flat roof, instead of up a wobbly stepladder. This makes the major, seperate, contract* work more straightforward.

The main contract* will be replacement of the old, conventional tarmac-felt flat roof, with one with modern materials, chosen to last. One or two Lantern Windows will be added, to provide light and nice views from the kitchen. Wiring changes will be needed in the kitchen, for lights currently where the lantern windows will go.

Michelles Radiator Michelles Radiator after move Careful consideration should be given in choice of standard roof window products, with regard to details such as supporting strength of the existing wood joists, and availability, if needed, of the old RSJ over what was the original kitchen window, before the extention. A simple use of mirrors could greatly increase the width and depth of view of sky and surroundings. Use CAD here ? Or bits of string ? :-)

Water drainage will be the existing run to the corner and down pipe. A simple means of draining water from the sloping roof down pipe, to the water butt will be done. Currently this is a length of garden hose, stuffed up the PVC down pipe, sealed with some foam.

The whole area of flat roof, will be covered in decking - although astroturf could be a better solution: less weight and lower cost. This is for a few plant pots and relaxation. e.g. Robin supervising June doing gardening below :-)

* all contracts fixed price, and by someone who I know where they live ;-) white strip

August 2020 and we have our roofer: Richie Walters on his ...

Robin was delighted to see Richie's web site "Contact" page included the address "The Stables, West End Lane, Warfield, Berkshire RG42 5RH".

On Wednesday 22nd July 2020, they easily found his location, not far from where Robin and his Grumpy old friends, flew model aircraft with video cameras, years before drones. e.g. "Cabbage Hill" and "Keith's Farm Shop". See Robin's Hobby page, and Drone pages, for pictures and aerial videos like these below :-)

Snoopy 2012 Atlantic Attempt on BBCTV ... the full 2012 story fimed by us ... "Aerial Video 2003" - how Snoopy did it then, filmed from a fixed wing aircraft :-) white strip

Utube video Utube video Aerial Video 2003 white strip

But that's "off topic", so back to what's happening on our flat roof work :-)

Richie on Map

Richie on Streetview

Richie knows that June, as the Project Manager has to do everything, including payments for materials, on completion, etc.

It also means providing coffee, snacks, and maybe entertainment for the Team. But Robin is happy for June to delegate that ;-) white strip

Delivery of Roof Windows on Wednesday 12th August 2020 ...

The excellent quick delivery of the two rooflights, was on the same day as our local "Last of the Summer Wine" Pub Lunch, for four Grumpy Old Men, then coffee and cakes with three of their grumpy ( not so old ) women. June also had tennis first thing. Here are some CCTV pictures to tell the story. Tap or click on them to enlarge :-)

Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020 Roof Windows delivered on Wednesday 12th August 2020

white strip

from Robin's "Contact" page ...

Robin is a Grumpy Old Man ! :-) Hi ! I'm Robin Lovelock, and little has changed on this "Contact" page for many years, other than the recent photo of me on the left. I'm a "Grumpy Old Man", born in 1947, and always pleased to get your email.

I like to start conversations with an exchange of emails, so we both know a little about each other, before we speak on the telephone or face-to-face. In the past 20+ years that I've been doing this, I've built up a huge network of friends in over 150 countries. Over 10,000 of these have used my GPS Software. So, wherever you are in the World, I may know someone within walking distance of you :-)

I retired over 10 years ago, but still help those who use my GPS Software. However, in recent years, many who contact me are interested in my Snoopy's Robot Boat hobby, or "doing good" related to my charity interests, such as in the UK, or even one or more topics on Grumpy page. I prefer direct email communication, and not via social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Robin's mobile 'phone is NOT smart :-) To e-mail me, click on or My emails are received by the desktop PC in my Study. I do NOT have a smartphone :-) I often hear emails coming in, so you may get a quick reply. Where possible, please contact me, Robin, by e-mail before making a 'phone call. You may contact June or myself on +44 1344 620775 - between 0800 and 2030 UK time, any day of the working week. If you are lucky, you may also catch us in at the weekend. If another member of the family or an answer-machine takes your call, please leave your name, reason for calling, country, and a telephone number. When away from home and office, Robin is contactable on mobile +44 7736 353404. If you 'phone, please be prepared to give your e-mail address, so I can pick up the conversation where it left off.

22 Armitage Court Our home and office address is : Sunninghill Systems, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berks SL5 9TA, United Kingdom.

both of us You can see us on Google Maps by clicking here You can see the entrance to Armitage Court on Google maps streetview here If you wish to visit, please email then ring us first.

If you have doubts about providing information about yourself, you may read more about us on our family page. We've lived here in Sunninghill since 1981, and hope to be here a good while longer :-)

You will probably have noticed that this web site is extremely "up front" about who we are. Giving people permission to use GPSS does not require huge resources. I have worked in larger companies and on larger projects than most people, and have no need to pretend what we are not. I greatly respect others who are able to be equally "up front" about themselves and their own business - however small it is. So don't be shy :-)

If this is important to you: is hosted on and <- remember these. Your browser is on

Who visits this page ?

Robin Lovelock from Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill, Ascot, England: this section tells you when, and from roughly where, guys are visiting this "Roof" page.

As I say on other pages, it's very convenient for me, that there are so few visitors to this page: See map and words near end of my Home page ;-)

Visit Counter after reply to Microtransat Group The visit counters may give a rough indication on who else is visiting, or has visited, this page. I don't hide or disguise my visits, but they may appear as "Ascot", or miles away, like "Farnborough, England" (on my Study PC), or "Southend-on-Sea, England" ( on the Lounge PC). Positions may not be accurate, but times are. These may change at any time, without control by me. So, you may see if I'm "working" in the Study, or "playing" in Lounge :-)

Not all visits are seen, and some browsers hide location, but you may find Revolvermaps livestats for this "Roof" page interesting.

The video on the right shows several guys visiting at the same time, after I posted the link to my Covid19 page on the Microtransat forum :-)

© 1991-2020 Robin Lovelock, Sunninghill Systems. 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berks SL5 9TA, United Kingdom.

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