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Vinci, from Robin and June's Holidays in Italy

We stayed in the little Tuscan village of Vinci for about three days in 2004. Vinci is the birth place of Leonardo, the amazing artist and engineer. We waited in Vinci for our baggage which had been delayed. We walked in the fields around the village, but the most interesting part was our visit to the museum. It has lots of machines made in recent years, after people had looked at Leonardo's drawings. These included flying machines and a diving suit. The rules said no photography - but that did not stop Robin :-)

This has been on our Holiday page since 2004 ....

Summer 2004: 13th - 26th June: Vinci, Toscana, Lago di Como

Cheap BA flights via Milano, then the cheapest hire Europacar for another fly-drive. Just two pictures here: that on the right is Vinci, where we stayed for our first few nights - partly because British Airways managed to lose one of the two suitcases :-) However, it did mean we got to do a few walks in the hills around Vinci - home of Leonardo, including to his birthplace on a hill north of the town. The museum in Vinci is well worth a visit, and it includes models of his numerous inventions, including a bicycle, clockwork car, helicopter and diving suit. Robin found out about Vinci, and the museum, while searching the net for wind speed meters - yes, the great man invented one of those too. Below is where we stayed at the end of these lovely two weeks: Bellagio on Lago di Como.

More pictures of Vinci added in 2015 ...

Sometime later ? :-)